Monday 31 October 2016

NO one LESS - Halloween Party in Reggio Emilia Station-zone

Ricominciano i pomeriggi di The Great Teachers con i bambini della zone di via Turri a Reggio Emilia... dopo le fatiche estive! E cominciamo alla grande, con una bellissima festa con i giochi e scherzi per i bambini e i ragazzi del quartiere. Raccogliamo anche "dolcetti", caramelle e cioccolata da lasciare ai bimbi come trick-or-treat!

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Corso di italiano per adulti

Perché dei corsi di lingue?
Stiamo andando verso una società in cui le diverse identità, necessariamente, si incontrano. L’incontro con il diverso, con l’altro, che già entrava in ogni aspetto della vita dell’uomo, è oggi implicato, moltiplicato ed elevato a potenza dalla globalizzazione, tanto che il multiculturalismo sta diventando, rapidamente e, sempre più, un dato di fatto a livello loso co, religioso, addirittura scienti co, a livello politico ed economico oltre che a livello culturale come tale. O il multiculturalismo diventa ingiustizia e negazione delle identità (cancellandole e negandole attraverso l’egemonizzazione di una sulle altre o emarginandole), no a provocare uno scontro di culture e di civiltà (scontro che ha già i suoi infausti cantori), oppure diventa possibilità di costruzione di un dialogo umano, culturale e sociale dignitoso e vero, a tutti i livelli e in tutte le nostre condizioni sociali: come lavoratori, come professori, come studenti, come medici, come scienziati. Solamente accettando il clima sociale di un multiculturalismo rispettoso e dialogante, sarà possibile essere presenti nella società con una propria identità e cultura, alla pari con gli altri, in un dialogo di forze positive e vitali, dialogo concreto, rispettoso, combattivo il necessario e fecondo.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

"Persona Non Grata" - Sugihara Chiune

‘Persona Non Grata’ a dramatic nod to Sugihara’s legacy

Refugees are much in the news now, though the U.S. media commonly refers to the Syrians struggling to enter Europe as “migrants.” The reason: Together with genuine refugees fleeing from slaughter are so-called economic migrants seeking a better life in the West — and a news article is not always the best place to sort them out.
But in the wake of Germany’s 1939 invasion of Poland and its subsequent conquest of Europe, Jews living under Nazi rule were marked for death. The ones who fled were refugees in the starkest sense of the word.
As Cellin Gluck’s World War II-era biopic “Persona Non Grata” (“Sugihara Chiune”) shows us, life or death for those desperate Jews often came down to a piece of paper stamped “visa” and the policy — or whims — of the embassy or consulate that issued it. One such stamper was Chiune Sugihara — the Japanese vice-consul in Kaunas, Lithuania — who issued transit visas from July 18 to Aug. 28, 1940, that saved an estimated 6,000 Jewish lives.

Monday 24 October 2016

Corso di inglese per adulti

Perché dei corsi di lingue? 
Stiamo andando verso una società in cui le diverse identità, necessariamente, si incontrano. L’incontro con il diverso, con l’altro, che già entrava in ogni aspetto della vita dell’uomo, è oggi implicato, moltiplicato ed elevato a potenza dalla globalizzazione, tanto che il multiculturalismo sta diventando, rapidamente e, sempre più, un dato di fatto a livello loso co, religioso, addirittura scienti co, a livello politico ed economico oltre che a livello culturale come tale. O il multiculturalismo diventa ingiustizia e negazione delle identità (cancellandole e negandole attraverso l’egemonizzazione di una sulle altre o emarginandole), no a provocare uno scontro di culture e di civiltà (scontro che ha già i suoi infausti cantori), oppure diventa possibilità di costruzione di un dialogo umano, culturale e sociale dignitoso e vero, a tutti i livelli e in tutte le nostre condizioni sociali: come lavoratori, come professori, come studenti, come medici, come scienziati. Solamente accettando il clima sociale di un multiculturalismo rispettoso e dialogante, sarà possibile essere presenti nella società con una propria identità e cultura, alla pari con gli altri, in un dialogo di forze positive e vitali, dialogo concreto, rispettoso, combattivo il necessario e fecondo.

Saturday 22 October 2016

Cuerdas y Voces - El Salvador

El centro cultural One Way el honor de invitarles a la sexta edición de su festival musical "CUERDAS Y VOCES", mismo que tendrá lugar en el Parque Central de Antiguo Cuscatlán el día sábado 22 de octubre de 2016, a las 7:00 p.m. La colaboración es voluntaria e irá a beneficio del Aula de refuerzo escolar y humano "Las Abejitas".

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Welcome in Canada!

Canadian Multiculturalism act is the most open to welcome document in democratic Countries ... as the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Canada prime minister welcomes wave of Syrian refugees

  • 11 December 2015
  • From the sec
The first military plane carrying Syrian refugees to be resettled in Canada has arrived in the country.
Welcoming the 163 refugees, new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said his country was "showing the world how to open our hearts".
The newly elected Liberal government has pledged to take in 25,000 refugees by the end of February.
Canada's stance on the issue differs sharply to that of the US, which has been reluctant to take in migrants.
Another plane is due in Montreal on Saturday.
Immigration Minister John McCallum said all 10 provinces in Canada are in favour of accepting the refugees.
"This is a great moment for Canada," he said. "This shows the way we really are. It truly is a non-partisan, national project."
Since early November, hundreds of Syrians have already arrived in Canada via commercial aircraft. 
A total of about 300 Syrians will arrive this week.
The Toronto Star, the country's largest-circulation daily newspaper, ran a cover story on Thursday welcoming the refugees.

Toronto Star cover reading Image copyrightTORONTO STAR

The US administration has said it will take in 10,000 refugees over the next year. Some Republican governors have unsuccessfully tried to keep them from coming to their states after deadly terrorist attacks in France and California.
Leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said after the California attacks that all Muslims should be blocked from coming to the US, drawing condemnation across the globe.
Global News reporter Mike Armstrong has been taking photos of refugees at Canada's refugee processing centre in Amman, Jordan. 
Some families have been told they may move in weeks, he tweeted.

Image copyrightAbout 800 refugees are going through screening tests in Lebanon and Jordan daily, Mr McCallum said.
Mr Trudeau, who swept the 19 October Canadian elections, has a different stance on refugees from that of his predecessor, the conservative Stephen Harper, who did not wish to resettle more people.
Unaccompanied men will be excluded from the resettlement programme but officials said this had nothing to do with national security concerns.
"We want them to have a roof over their head, and the right support," said Mr McCallum.
"It takes a bit of time to put that all in place. We're happy to take a little more time than originally planned to bring our new friends into the country."
Those who will be considered refugees include families, women deemed to be at risk, and gay men and women.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Miyazaki vs US Military Bases in Okinawa

Hayao Miyazaki joins Okinawan anti-military base fund

Hayao Miyazaki is one of the most outspoken proponents of anti-war policy in Japan. And Okinawa is home to a plethora of American military bases, and has been a hotbed of controversy for decades.
So Miyazaki and Okinawa have officially teamed up to protest the American military presence. The director announced on May 7 that he will officially join the “Henoko Fund,” a group of politicians and CEOs who are putting their money where their mouths are and donating hundreds of millions of yen to prevent the relocation of the Futenma Air Base.
If you’re new to the topic of American military bases in Okinawa, here’s the super quick rundown: Okinawa used to be known as the Ryukyu Kingdom, which existed as its own entity for hundreds of years. It was subsequently invaded by mainland Japan in 1609, begrudgingly annexed as part of Japan in 1872, and then completely devastated during World War II when it became a battlefield between Japanese and U.S. soldiers, resulting in one-third of the entire civilian population being killed.
The U.S. occupied Okinawa following the end of the war, leaving its influence all over the island. People drove on the right side of the road (instead of the left as in mainland Japan), dollars were used as the official currency, and military bases were set up all over as well. When Okinawa was returned to Japanese rule in 1972, the roads and money went back to normal, but the bases stayed behind. After hundreds of thousands of lives lost and generations of war, you can imagine that the Okinawan people were getting very tired of the whole military thing.
And that sentiment has continued up to today. Despite the fact that Okinawa makes up less than 1% of Japan, it is home to over 75% of all U.S. military bases in Japan. This makes the Okinawa people feel like they’re getting the brunt of U.S. bases dumped on them while the rest of Japan dodges the responsibility.
Though general protests against the U.S. bases are held often, one of the most controversial topics is the relocation of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma. It is currently located in Ginowan City, but it was proposed to be moved to the coast of Henoko in northern Okinawa, away from the residential area. While the intentions behind the proposal may be sound, the Henoko coast is home to coral reef and critically endangered dugong. Many feel building a military base there would be a further insult to Okinawa, symbolically crushing beautiful parts of the island with more military installations.
And that brings us to the recently established Henoko Fund. Okinawan politicians, CEOs, organizations and individuals have teamed up to sponsor ads and demonstrations against the relocation of the airbase, marking the first time that the private sector has officially become involved in the protests, so far raising over 100 million yen ($834,064).
Up until now there have been seven other high-profile joint representatives sponsoring the Henoko Fund, but Miyazaki is by far the most well-known. Considering the anti-war messages in his films and the fact that he was quoted last year as saying “demilitarization in Okinawa is essential for peace in East Asia,” his ideals fit in perfectly with the rest of the group.
Other members of the Henoko Fund have said they’re very happy to have Miyazaki as a joint representative, and they hope that having him will help broaden their group’s appeal and further their cause, both inside and outside of Okinawa.
While only time will tell whether the Henoko Fund accomplishes its goals or not, we have to say that if a certain someone comes out of retirement again to produce a Studio Ghibli animated feature about Okinawa, it certainly couldn’t hurt their cause.
Source: The Ryukyu Shimpo

Saturday 8 October 2016


Il Centro Ricerche Mammut è nato a Napoli nel 2007 dall'esperienza del Centro Territoriale a Scampia e dell’Associazione di promozione sociale Compare. Ha sede in Piazza Giovanni Paolo II, a Scampia, sotto le colonne di un grande e strano porticato di sei colonne chiamato dagli abitanti del quartiere, per il profilo delle sue forme, o Mammut.
In questi anni Il Mammut ha sviluppato una ricerca azione articolata e complessa, dando vita a pubblicazioni e organizzazioni territoriali anche in altre regioni d’Italia. La ricerca Mammut intreccia pedagogia, urbanistica, teatro e arti figurative nel tentativo di sperimentare forme di sociale e convivialità valide nel nostro tempo.
Attorno a nuclei narrativi come nel gioco del “Mito del Mammut” (giunto alla sua VII edizione) in questi anni abbiamo realizzato una mediateca, laboratori di scuola attiva con i bambini e le loro classi, una scuola di italiano per migranti, la ciclofficina, lo sportello di orientamento, l‘ambulatorio di medicina omeopatica, il supporto didattico per adolescenti.
La sperimentazione su didattica, relazione di cura e partecipazione urbana ha coinvolto oltre 10.000 tra bambini, ragazzi e adulti italiani, migranti e rom e contribuendo alle azioni di recupero per una 50 di spazi pubblici nei diversi contesti visitati.  Riuscendo a raccogliere molte “prove” sulla possibilità di recuperare spazi pubblici attraverso le pratiche della pedagogia attiva e partecipata. Una piazza grande e desolata come un deserto si è riempita di bambini, momenti di incontro, giornate di studio.
Il Mammut è insomma un luogo di aggregazione cittadina ma anche un centro di sperimentazione e ricerca pedagogica. Una ricerca che abbiamo provato a raccontare nel libro “Come partorire un Mammut – senza rimanere schiacciati sotto” (edito da Marotta & Cafiero nel 2011). Il parto a cui ci riferiamo è la nascita e il consolidamento di una “comunità” dai confini nazionali attraverso cui “fare scuola” con bambini, ragazzi, adulti italiani, stranieri e rom.
 il loro sito:

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Language is like a hammer

today we would propose you this article about Noam Chomsky lecture in Sophia university on 4th of March 2014. Here there is also a comment about one of our The Great Teachers japanese best teacher, to whom prof. Chomsky answered with these important words.

The Architecture of Language Reconsidered: Noam Chomsky Lecture

Today on a very rainy day in Tokyo, I had the pleasure of watching a softly spoken 85 year old man stand in front of a microphone, speaking and answering questions on such diverse topics as chimpanzees, bird songs, software programs that try to pass university entrance exams and the choice of whether to use a hammer to build a house or bash someone’s face in. The speaker was Noam Chomsky, the world’s most cited living author.
I knew I might not get to see the Chomsky lecture. Seats were limited to 700 places and they were likely to be gone quickly. It was being done on a first come first served basis. What I didn’t know was that they were available from 8 am. When a student told me this at around 10:30, adding they were almost all gone, I ran to the auditorium but of course too late. This preamble is necessary as it was only thanks to my friend and mentor Makoto Ikeda that I was able to get to see the lecture, and not only that but from a seat from which, if I had wished, I could have thrown a screwed up piece of paper and seen it bounce of Chomsky’s head.